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First, run the following command to install dependencies:

make install

Then, starts the development environment by running:

make run-dev

This will initialize the docker containers which can take some time. When done, three containers will be running:

  • lodex_mongo_1: the mongo server
  • lodex_server_1: the API server (node process) running at http://localhost:3000
  • lodex_devserver_1: the webpack server for the frontend running at http://localhost:8080

The default username and password are specified in the ./config.json file along with default naan and subpublisher for ARK generation.

To access the mongo shell, run:

make mongo-shell

New package installation

To prevent polluting package-lock.json, every developer should use the npm in the docker image.

There is a simple way to do that, instead of npm install package, use:

make npm 'install package'

Database reset

During development, you may need to get an application state, where no data is published.

  • make clear-publication: just clear the published data but keep your uploaded dataset and your model
  • make clear-database: clear the whole database


Ensure you initialized the development environment first.

To execute all tests, run the following command:

make test