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Adding a new exporter

You can add new exporter to lodex. Exporter are added in the src/api/exporters directory.

const exporter = (config, fields, characteristics, stream, query) => {
const defaultDocument = getDefaultDocuments(fields);
const getCharacteristicByName = name => characteristics[0][name];
const getCsvField = getCsvFieldFactory(getCharacteristicByName);

const jsoncsvStream = csvTransformStreamFactory({
fieldSeparator: ';',

return stream

// Required: this will be used as the translation key to get the exporter label
// If no translation is provided for this key, the key itself will be used for the label
exporter.label = 'csv';

// Required: this will be the exported file extension
exporter.extension = 'csv';

// Required: this will be the exported file mime type
exporter.mimeType = 'text/csv';

// Required: this define wether this exporter will output a file or a string (for widgets)
// Accepted types are `file` or `string`
exporter.type = 'file';

export default exporter;

It receives:

  • config: The configuration provided through the config.json file

  • fields The list of fields

"cover" : "collection", // either dataset, collection or document
"label" : "uri", // label of the field
"name" : "uri", // technical name of the field
"transformers" : [], // list of transformers used to compute the field from the original dataset
"format" : { // the format used to display the field
"name" : "uri"
"scheme": ""


"contribution" : true,
"name" : "note",
"cover" : "document",
"label" : "Contribution",
"scheme" : "",
"contributors" : [
"name" : "john",
"mail" : ""
  • characteristics: The list of all version of the characteristics sorted by their publicationDate (newer to oldest)
"title" : "My title",
"Author" : "Myself",
"publicationDate" : "2017-02-22T09:56:07.765Z"
  • stream: A stream of all document in the published dataset.
"uri" : "HKPNG4WD",
"versions" : [ // list of all versions for the document (oldest to newest)
"key" : "value",
"key" : "value",
"contribution" : "other value"
"contributions" : [
"fieldName" : "contribution",
"contributor" : {
"name" : "john",
"mail" : ""
"status" : 'proposed'
  • query: the request query

You also need to declare the exporter in src/api/exporters/index.js.

import newExporter from './newExporter';
export default {
'new': newExporter,

note that the key determine the name of the exporter The exporters must be declared on a per instance basis in the config file. Simply add your exporter name in the exporters array, and it will appear in the export menu.

// config.json
"exporters": [